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"He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man."

~A. de Saint Exupery

Pillow Monuments

Cruthers Monumental believes a memorial is an endearing symbol of your love and respect to celebrate those who have touched our lives. Cruthers Monumental’s expert designers can add a personal touch by depicting a favorite place, hobby, emblem or a symbol of life's work that will be treasured for all time. We can further enhance your monument by simply changing the lettering style or by adding inspirational words or phrases to bring comfort and hope for generations to come. The memorials shown are examples of our creativity and imagination used to meet the personal needs to reflect the lives of those left behind.

Companion - As families are bound together with love and respect, our memorials are designed and crafted to preserve memories.


- A pillow or marker need not be expensive. True beauty blossoms in simplicity to cherish and celebrate the memories of a loved ones memory.

Cruthers Monumental believes a memorial is an endearing symbol of your love and respect for those who have touched your hearts and your lives. To assist you in celebrating your loved one's life, please do not hesitate to contact us.